Resource Type

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Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative Case Referral Process

Includes a flowchart that describes what should happen after a high-risk or confirmed case of minor trafficking is identified. Delineates who does what and includes critical information needed for each step.

Resource Mapping Tool

This tool was developed as a template for Colorado’s regional human trafficking specialists to use in their regional resource mapping activities. The template includes rows for multiple types of service providers that could offer key services needed by

Labor Trafficking Protocol Guidelines

Offers comprehensive guidance for state and local governments, service
providers, community organizations, and others to address labor trafficking, protect and support victims, and hold traffickers accountable. The protocol guidelines are specifically to enhance identification and response to

Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines

Developed to meet the needs of communities desiring best practices to draw upon during the protocol development process, as well as professionals and agencies lacking community protocols and needing guidance on how to address child and youth sex

Steering Committee Brief

Summarizes and documents the development of the steering committee, which is a multidisciplinary oversight body comprising service provider partners who serve non-systems-involved, transition-age youth. Includes descriptions of the role of the steering committee, recruitment of steering committee members,

Tribal Listening Session Report

The Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC), a subrecipient on NE’s grant, conducted an assessment of the current state of human trafficking in tribal communities via listening sessions with each of the four tribes in Nebraska: The Omaha

Training Module Series

Created to increase capacity of services providers and law enforcement in their state to recognize and respond to children and youth who had been trafficked, New Mexico developed a set of 8 training modules. These training modules focused