State-Based Approaches to Address Child and Youth Trafficking

The Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking (Improving Outcomes) grant program, funded by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) since 2016, awards state or Tribal entities funds to develop state- or Tribal-based approaches to improve the identification of and coordinated response to child and youth victims of human trafficking within their states or territories.


This website includes resources that were created by, or have provided support to, the Improving Outcomes grant program to implement state- or Tribal-based approaches to address child and youth trafficking. 


The compiled resources on this webpage can support other state agencies and Tribes looking to design or implement similar approaches to improve the identification of and coordinated response to child and youth trafficking.


Content on this website is organized according to the target group or agency that you are hoping to work with to improve identification and response to child and youth victims of trafficking. These groups include:


    • Child Welfare 
    • Health/Human Services
    • Law Enforcement
    • Juvenile Justice 
    • Those who Identify and Refer Victims
    • Those who Support Victims
    • Survivor Leaders
    • General Public
    • Community Partners 
    • Multidisciplinary Groups

Meet Our Grantees


Grantee Highlights

Nebraska State Highlight

The Nebraska Improving Outcomes team is building cultural capacity throughout the state by better understanding the needs of tribal communities. The Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition, a subgrantee of the Improving Outcomes grant program, conducted listening sessions with four tribes. The feedback from the sessions identified needs such as increased human trafficking prevention and awareness efforts, culturally responsive resources and awareness materials, and training curriculum geared towards each tribal community.

Colorado State Highlight

The Colorado Improving Outcomes team is advancing survivor engagement practices through the Survivor Leadership and Advisory Board (SLAB). The SLAB is tasked with supporting the Colorado Improving Outcomes project to ensure that it is survivor-informed and has meaningful survivor engagement. The SLAB engages in a variety of activities, including material review, training content development, organizational leadership, and more. SLAB members engage in activities that most align with their professional experiences and goals to advance their leadership capacity within the anti-trafficking movement. There are five total members.