Getting Started

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Colorado Community Protocol Recommendations

Includes recommendations for Colorado agencies and organizations who may encounter youth who are at risk of or who have experienced sex or labor trafficking in Colorado. The recommendations document includes definitions, federal and Colorado human trafficking statutes, and

Human Trafficking Screening Tool For Youth

Created for professionals working with high-risk youth, to screen for trafficking indicators. Includes information on preparing for a screening, administering the screening, and the tool itself. Currently used to screen all juveniles in Ohio’s juvenile correctional facilities. Developed

Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative Case Referral Process

Includes a flowchart that describes what should happen after a high-risk or confirmed case of minor trafficking is identified. Delineates who does what and includes critical information needed for each step.

Resource Mapping Tool

This tool was developed as a template for Colorado’s regional human trafficking specialists to use in their regional resource mapping activities. The template includes rows for multiple types of service providers that could offer key services needed by