

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Nebraska Support for Youth Victims of Human Trafficking


Nebraska’s Support for Youth Victims of Human Trafficking project, carried out by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services in partnership with Nebraska Child and Family Foundation, aims to design and implement a statewide collaborative, cross-agency response to child and youth human trafficking. Leveraging strategies used in Nebraska’s Connected Youth Initiative, the project seeks to support survivors of human trafficking who are unconnected or cut off from family, community, and supportive resources. This project also coordinates with additional projects in the state addressing the needs of children and youth. For instance, Project Everlast/The Bridge works to provide access to support in places where individuals already have trusted relationships to identify needs and concerns early on before a young person enters the child welfare or juvenile justice systems. Working together, these projects among others routinely coordinate and strategize on how to improve responses to youth. Additional coordination occurs on an action team consisting of key leaders across the state working to develop statewide model protocols and recommendations for communities, task forces, MDTs, and providers to assure that all are equipped to respond appropriately and consistently to young people experiencing trafficking. The action team membership consists of individuals from law enforcement, prosecution, health, child welfare, social services, and individuals with lived experience. Additionally, the project will build upon existing resources and provide new investment in statewide service providers and tribal/Native communities to provide trauma- informed and developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate services for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking up to age 24 in every Nebraska county. One strategy the project uses to improve services is to support the development of local MDTs focused on the sex and labor trafficking of minors. Simultaneously, the project will work to improve identification through expanding the membership of organizations using a screening system called PAVE, Providing Avenues for Victim Empowerment, to create a coordinated, trauma informed, statewide response through screening.

Nebraska State Highlight

The Nebraska Improving Outcomes team is building cultural capacity throughout the state by better understanding the needs of tribal communities. The Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition, a subgrantee of the Improving Outcomes grant program, conducted listening sessions with four tribes. The feedback from the sessions identified needs such as increased human trafficking prevention and awareness efforts, culturally responsive resources and awareness materials, and training curriculum geared towards each tribal community.

Nebraska Resources

Screening and Assessing Trafficking for Tribes Training

Created in response to Nebraska’s Tribal Listening Session Report, this training seeks to increase the capacity of tribal leaders and community members to identify indicators...

Tribal Listening Session Report

The Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC), a subrecipient on NE’s grant, conducted an assessment of the current state of human trafficking in tribal communities...

Tribal Response and Resources for Human Trafficking Victims in NE

Created in response to Nebraska’s Tribal Listening Session Report, the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC) created a protocol document as a reference on responding...

Tribal Listening Session Report

The Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC), a subrecipient on NE’s grant, conducted an assessment of the current state of human trafficking in tribal communities...