
(FY18 AND FY21)

Office of the Governor

The Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative


Louisiana outlined the following systems-level barriers to identifying and assisting child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking: lack of knowledge among service providers on identification of trafficking victims, limited resources for child victims, and absence of region- specific protocols or community response to child trafficking victims.


Through grant funding, Louisiana is addressing these gaps by developing and implementing a strategic evidence- informed statewide initiative. This initiative seeks to improve outcomes for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking through a multidisciplinary approach, enhanced collaboration and coordination of resources, and an improved response and delivery of services.


Objectives follow: (1) identify high-risk or human trafficking victims across the state; (2) assist in the coordination, investigation, and prosecution of cases of child and youth sex and labor trafficking; (3) conduct/facilitate regional trainings on identifying and responding to human trafficking; (4) support agencies in implementing screening tools and protocols to identify victims and refer to trafficking MDTs; (5) ensure establishment of trafficking MDT teams in nine regions; (6) conduct statewide meetings and trainings for regional coordinators and MDTs; (7) provide culturally responsive, trauma-informed advocacy and case management by regional coordinators for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking; and (8) facilitate a survivor advisory council to ensure survivor input and improve provision and quality of services.


The project hired nineteen regional coordinators housed in child advocacy centers throughout the state to carry out the regional work. Each regional coordinator is responsible for providing and facilitating TTA; conducting outreach to expand efforts into rural parishes; and providing direct services in the form of case management, advocacy, victim service coordination, and facilitation of or participation in MDT case staffing. The project directly involves and leverages existing victim assistance, law enforcement, and child welfare efforts throughout the state, as well as allied partners, including Louisiana Families in Need of Services, the Greater New Orleans Human Trafficking Task Force, health care organizations, and trafficking-specific community- based organizations.

Louisiana State Highlight

Through the Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative Accessibility Initiative and Louisiana State Act 662, the Louisiana Improving Outcomes team allocates 2.5 million dollars annually for the expansion of state-wide care coordination services. The funding also supports 19 regional navigators who coordinate trafficking-specific multidisciplinary teams providing services to minor victims of human trafficking.

Louisiana Resources

Louisiana Indicator Tool for Child & Youth Labor Trafficking Supplementary User Guide

Screening tool to assist in identifying children and youth who may have experienced labor trafficking. The tool assesses the presence of research-based indicators associated with...

Referral for LA Child and Youth Trafficking MDT

This referral form is used by Louisiana Improving Outcomes grantees to refer child victims of trafficking to a caregiver or service provider....

Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative Case Referral Process

Includes a flowchart that describes what should happen after a high-risk or confirmed case of minor trafficking is identified. Delineates who does what and includes...

Statewide Care Coordination Referral Form

Comprehensive referral form for community partners and statewide agencies to refer a child or youth to care coordination services....

Facilitation and Adult Learning Techniques

Created to support human trafficking coordinators in their efforts to host MDT meetings and train professionals. Includes a list of tips on “facilitation 101,” hosting...

LA Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative MDT Taxonomy

Defines different kinds of MDTs: advisory MDTs, case review, and emergency response....

Essential Elements of MDT Development

Lists core elements that should be incorporated into the structure of an MDT for child and youth trafficking victims, as well as the steps to...

Louisiana Care Coordination: A Statewide Model for Crisis Recovery and LongTerm Support of Minor Victims of Trafficking

The one-hour training provides an overview of statewide care coordination services provided through the Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative Accessibility Initiative (LCYTC AI). The...

Human Trafficking Awareness and Reporting

Provides instructions on how to conduct an “anti-human trafficking response 101” training for allied professionals. Updated in 2022. Covers the Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking...