
This is a page with all resources in this tag category. Scroll to view more and click on the titles to read more.

Process for Safe Harbor Engagement with Subject Matter Experts

Includes a step-by-step process of engaging any kind of subject matter expert (including survivor experts). Intended to be a checklist and a reference for ensuring that all critical expert engagement steps—such as budgeting compensation, discussing scope of the

Safe Harbor Values for Engaging Subject Matter Experts

Discusses 12 values related to working with survivor experts. These values, which were created to help guide Minnesota’s Improving Outcomes staff and partners in their engagement with survivor experts, underscore survivor empowerment and equity, transparency with the work,

Survivor Advisory Panel Participation Evaluation Form

Created to obtain opinions and feedback from Ohio’s Improving Outcomes Survivor Advisory Panel. The grantee used the information gleaned from these feedback forms to assess their success and change their approaches. The form includes 11 questions to explore

Ohio Safe Harbor Resource Card

Describes the steps for pursuing safe harbor diversion. Originally developed in the FY2017 iteration of the OVC Improving Outcomes grant, this Safe Harbor resource card was adapted in 2022 to reflect recent changes in Safe Harbor statute. The

Addressing Sex Trafficking in Your Courtroom Training Materials

Includes a trainer’s manual and PowerPoint slide deck. The manual includes directions on how to train judges and magistrates to identify and address human trafficking within their courtroom. The 6-hour training includes five sections: (1) introduction and orientation

Delaware County Juvenile Court Safe Harbor Protocol

Ohio’s Safe Harbor law establishes access to juvenile justice diversionary programming for youth who have been charged with an offense related to their trafficking victimization, and Delaware County (a subgrantee of funding) has developed protocols for implementation of

Human Trafficking Law Enforcement Guidelines

Developed through a cross-disciplinary team led by law enforcement officials, with the goal of establishing best practice standards for law enforcement when responding to and investigating potential human trafficking scenarios. These guidelines, which are intended to be used

Human Trafficking Resource Guide for Ohio’s Public Children Services Agencies

A comprehensive resource guide for children’s services agencies. Material includes information on federal and state laws, Ohio’s response to human
trafficking, considerations for children’s services practitioners, and other helpful resources.