Indicators Recognizing and Responding to Sex Trafficking
The goal of this curriculum is to improve participants’ ability to recognize indicators of sex trafficking in minors and take initial steps to respond. This response includes reporting suspicions (when appropriate) and continuing to provide services, regardless of
The Ohio Department of Youth Services Human Trafficking Screening Tool (ODYS HTST)
In the FY2017 iteration of the OVC Improving Outcomes grant, Ohio developed the Ohio Department of Youth Services Human Trafficking Screening Tool, which is a conversational guide intended to screen for high-risk indicators of both sex and labor
Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines
Developed to meet the needs of communities desiring best practices to draw upon during the protocol development process, as well as professionals and agencies lacking community protocols and needing guidance on how to address child and youth sex
Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth
This training is required for Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) staff as well as Private child-caring (PCC) or private child-placing (PCP) agencies contracted to provide care and services for a child in the custody of the Cabinet
Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in our Community (UAST)
This series introduces a new, Oregon-specific introductory sex trafficking curriculum that builds awareness and gives community groups and service providers specific calls to action. The curriculum, titled Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in our Community (UAST) includes stories
Human Trafficking Awareness and Reporting
Provides instructions on how to conduct an “anti-human trafficking response 101” training for allied professionals. Updated in 2022. Covers the Louisiana Child
and Youth Trafficking Collaborative (LCYTC) project; human trafficking, including common misconceptions; sex and labor trafficking;
and Youth Trafficking Collaborative (LCYTC) project; human trafficking, including common misconceptions; sex and labor trafficking;
Standard Sex Trafficking Response Protocol
A community-specific response plan to guide any service provider when they suspect a minor is experiencing sex trafficking. This protocol was developed so that every county will have a similar response and so practitioners who are not experts