Labor Trafficking

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This “Compendium of Resources” compiles resources developed by grantees of the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victim of Trafficking (Improving Outcomes) program. The compendium resources were designed by grantees as part of their Improving Outcomes projects, which

Labor Trafficking Protocol Guidelines

Offers comprehensive guidance for state and local governments, service
providers, community organizations, and others to address labor trafficking, protect and support victims, and hold traffickers accountable. The protocol guidelines are specifically to enhance identification and response to

Labor Trafficking of Children and Youth

This training is required for Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) staff as well as Private child-caring (PCC) or private child-placing (PCP) agencies contracted to provide care and services for a child in the custody of the Cabinet

Human Trafficking Awareness and Reporting

Provides instructions on how to conduct an “anti-human trafficking response 101” training for allied professionals. Updated in 2022. Covers the Louisiana Child
and Youth Trafficking Collaborative (LCYTC) project; human trafficking, including common misconceptions; sex and labor trafficking;