
This is a page with all resources in this tag category. Scroll to view more and click on the titles to read more.


This “Compendium of Resources” compiles resources developed by grantees of the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victim of Trafficking (Improving Outcomes) program. The compendium resources were designed by grantees as part of their Improving Outcomes projects, which

Training Module Series

Created to increase capacity of services providers and law enforcement in their state to recognize and respond to children and youth who had been trafficked, New Mexico developed a set of 8 training modules. These training modules focused

Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in our Community (UAST)

This series introduces a new, Oregon-specific introductory sex trafficking curriculum that builds awareness and gives community groups and service providers specific calls to action. The curriculum, titled Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in our Community (UAST) includes stories

Standard Sex Trafficking Response Protocol

A community-specific response plan to guide any service provider when they suspect a minor is experiencing sex trafficking. This protocol was developed so that every county will have a similar response and so practitioners who are not experts