


Kentucky Cabinet of Health and Human Services’ (DCBS) Division of Protection and Permanency (DPP), in collaboration with Catholic Charities, CHESS Solutions Group, state contracted Private Child Placing (PCP) and Private Child Caring (PCC) providers, and other key partners, have worked collaboratively to implement this statewide project. – is DCBS correct here? Looks like DCBS is an agency within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. 


Kentucky outlined the following systems-level barriers to identifying and assisting child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking: lack of knowledge among DCBS and providers on identification of trafficking victims, lack of appropriate screening tools, limited identified and known resources for child victims, and limitations related to available data related to youth who have experienced trafficking. 


Through grant funding, Kentucky is addressing these gaps by developing and implementing a strategic evidence-informed statewide initiative. This initiative seeks to improve outcomes for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking by (1) coordinating with the existing state and local level taskforces to focus on youth responses and outcome, (2) completing a statewide self-assessment, (3) developing a protocol and provide training to DCBS and PCC staff on use of the Vera Institute screening tool for youth for ages 13 and up while concurrently developing and pilot testing a screening tool appropriate for youth under the age of 13 years old, (4) map and create a directory of child-serving resources statewide, (5) create guidance, training and resources for DCBS staff, contracted service providers, and caregivers to provide appropriate, trauma-informed care to trafficked youth, and (6) update their child welfare data system to be able to identify child survivors of trafficking and track outcomes related to their safety, permanency, and well-being.

Kentucky State Highlight

The Kentucky Improving Outcomes team is implementing a robust agency policy within the Division of Protection and Permanency involving mandatory, routine screening for human trafficking victimization among all children and youth when there is a change of placement. The implementation of this policy, which includes required training for child-welfare staff and child-serving partners, has resulted in a significant increase in the identification of human trafficking victimization among the children and youth they serve.

Kentucky Resources

Caregiver Resource

This Caregiver Resource was developed in response to requests from foster parents in Kentucky looking for a resource for caregivers providing tangible, practical information about...

Human Trafficking: At Risk Populations, Indicators, and Protective Factors

This resource is a supplementary service-planning tool to be used in conjunction with Kentucky protocols related to screening and investigations related to human trafficking. This...

Screening and Identification of HT

Training required to be completed by Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) staff as well as Private child-caring (PCC) or private child-placing (PCP) agencies contracted...

Human Trafficking 101- An Overview

Introductory training required to be completed by Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) staff as well as Private child-caring (PCC) or private childplacing (PCP) agencies...

Labor Trafficking of Children and Youth

This training is required for Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) staff as well as Private child-caring (PCC) or private child-placing (PCP) agencies contracted to...

Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth

This training is required for Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) staff as well as Private child-caring (PCC) or private child-placing (PCP) agencies contracted to...

Standard Operation Procedure for Survivors and Those at Risk for Human Trafficking

Establishes requirements and provides instructions for staff when children for whom Department for Community Based Services is legally responsible are believed to be survivors or...