
This is a page with all resources in this tag category. Scroll to view more and click on the titles to read more.

Hamilton County Juvenile Court Safe Harbor Protocols

Ohio’s Safe Harbor law establishes access to juvenile justice diversionary programming for youth who have been charged with an offense related to their trafficking victimization, and Hamilton County (a subgrantee of funding) developed protocols for implementation of this

Labor Trafficking Protocol Guidelines

Offers comprehensive guidance for state and local governments, service
providers, community organizations, and others to address labor trafficking, protect and support victims, and hold traffickers accountable. The protocol guidelines are specifically to enhance identification and response to

Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines

Developed to meet the needs of communities desiring best practices to draw upon during the protocol development process, as well as professionals and agencies lacking community protocols and needing guidance on how to address child and youth sex

Stages of a Task Force

Guides human trafficking task forces to prioritize efforts. Describes three task force stages: foundation, stabilization, and sustainability. Each stage includes key activities and critical topics to address. The document is designed to address task forces at different stages

Process for Safe Harbor Engagement with Subject Matter Experts

Includes a step-by-step process of engaging any kind of subject matter expert (including survivor experts). Intended to be a checklist and a reference for ensuring that all critical expert engagement steps—such as budgeting compensation, discussing scope of the

Delaware County Juvenile Court Safe Harbor Protocol

Ohio’s Safe Harbor law establishes access to juvenile justice diversionary programming for youth who have been charged with an offense related to their trafficking victimization, and Delaware County (a subgrantee of funding) has developed protocols for implementation of

Tribal Response and Resources for Human Trafficking Victims in NE

Created in response to Nebraska’s Tribal Listening Session Report, the Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC) created a protocol document as a reference on responding to human trafficking for tribal programs and non-tribal programs serving Native American survivors.

Tribal Listening Session Report

The Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC), a subrecipient on NE’s grant, conducted an assessment of the current state of human trafficking in tribal communities via listening sessions with each of the four tribes in Nebraska: The Omaha

Standard Sex Trafficking Response Protocol

A community-specific response plan to guide any service provider when they suspect a minor is experiencing sex trafficking. This protocol was developed so that every county will have a similar response and so practitioners who are not experts