Privacy Policy

Last Revised: March 20, 204

This project was supported by Grant No.15POVC-22-GK-01576-HT and 15POVC-22-GK-03284-HT.


This Privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement”) explains how RTI International (“RTI,” “us,” “our,” and “we”) uses your information and applies to all who use our website, electronic services, or social networking sites (collectively referred to as the “Site”). 


Please read this Privacy Statement carefully and review it periodically for the latest information about our privacy practices. By using the Site, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Statement. If you do not agree with the practices described in this Privacy Statement, please do not provide us with your personal information or interact with the Site. 


We will routinely update this Privacy Statement to clarify our practices and to reflect new or different privacy practices, such as when we add new services, functionality or features to the Site. If we make any material changes we will notify you by email (sent to the email address specified in your account) or by means of notice on the Site prior to the change becoming effective. You can determine when this Privacy Statement was last revised by referring to the date it was “Last Updated” above. 



1. Types of Information We Collect


We will collect information, including Personal Information and Non-Identifying Information, when you interact with us and the Site, for example when you:

    • Access or use the Site; 
    • Open or respond to our e-mails; 
    • Visit any page online that displays our content; and 
    • Connect or link to the Site via social networking sites. 

This Privacy Statement does not apply to the collection of information in any way other than by interacting with us or the Site.


2. Your Choices

We think that you benefit from a more personalized experience when we know more about you and what you like. However, you can limit the information you provide to RTI, and you can limit the communications that RTI sends to you. 

You can manage your newsletter subscription by following subscription management instructions contained in the newsletter e-mails that we send you. You may update your subscription preferences at any time. Please note that even if you unsubscribe from promotional email messages, we may still need to contact you with important transactional information related to your account. 

You may manage how your browser handles Cookies by adjusting its privacy and security settings. Browsers are different, so refer to instructions related to your browser to learn about cookie-related and other privacy and security settings that may be available. 

You may manage how your mobile device and mobile browser share certain Device Data with RTI, as well as how your mobile browser handles Cookies by adjusting the privacy and security settings on your mobile device. Please refer to instructions provided by your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your settings. 

You may also manage the sharing of certain Personal Information with us when you connect with us through social networking platforms or applications. Please refer to the privacy policy and settings of the social networking website or application to determine how you may adjust our permissions and manage the interactivity between RTI and your social networking account or your mobile device.


3. How RTI Uses Information

We (or our Vendors on our behalf), use information collected as described in this Privacy Statement to: 

    • Operate, maintain and improve the Site and our services; 
    • Answer your questions and respond to your requests; 
    • Perform analytics and conduct client research; 
    • Send you reminders, technical notices, updates, security alerts, support and administrative messages, service bulletins, and requested information; 
    • Manage our everyday business needs, such as administration of the Site, analytics, fraud prevention, enforcement of our Terms & Conditions, or to comply with the law; and/or to 
    • Enhance other information we have about you directly or from Other Sources to help us better understand you and determine your interests. 

We also may use information collected as described in this Privacy Statement with your consent or as otherwise required or permitted by law.


4. When and Why RTI Discloses Information

We (or our Vendors on our behalf) may share your Personal Information as required or permitted by law: 

    • with our Vendors to provide services for us and who are required to protect the Personal Information; 
    • with a purchaser of RTI; 
    • to comply with legal orders and government requests, or as needed to support auditing, compliance, and corporate governance functions; 
    • to combat fraud or criminal activity, and to protect our rights and users, or as part of legal proceedings affecting RTI;
    • in response to a subpoena, or similar legal process, including to law enforcement agencies, regulators, and courts in the United States and other countries where we operate; or with your consent. 

We may also disclose Non-Identifiable Information: 

    • for the same reasons we might share Personal Information; or 

We do not share Personal Information with Third-Party Ad-Servers; however, Third-Party Ad-Servers may automatically collect Non-Identifying Information about your visit to the Site and other websites, your device address, your Internet Service Provider and the browser you use to visit the Site. They do this by using Cookies, clear gifs and other technologies. Information collected may be used, among other things, to deliver advertising targeted to your interests and to better understand the usage and visits to the Site and the other websites tracked by these third parties. This Privacy Statement does not cover the collection methods or use of the information collected by Third-Party Ad-Servers, and RTI is not responsible for Cookies or clear gifs in third party ads. We encourage you to review the privacy policies or statements of these third party advertising companies to learn more about their use of Cookies and other technologies. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by third party advertisers, please visit


5. How RTI Collects Information

You provide us with your Personal Information when you register, subscribe, or otherwise when you provide us with your Personal Information during your interaction with the Site. We also collect Personal Information when you contact us online for customer service and other support using self-help tools, such as email, or text. 

We also receive Personal Information and other online and offline information from Other Sources. RTI will use such information in accordance with applicable laws. Such information, when combined with Personal Information collected as provided in this Privacy Statement, will also be handled in accordance with this Privacy Statement. We also use cookies, tags, web beacons, local shared objects, files, tools and programs to keep records, store your preferences, and collect Non-Identifying Information, including Device Data and your interaction with the Site. 

We use Cookies that contain serial numbers that allow us to connect your Site activity with other information we store about you in your profile or as related to your interactions with the Site. We use session cookies on a temporary basis, such as to manage your view of pages on the Site. We use persistent cookies for a number of purposes, such as retrieving certain information you have previously provided, and storing your preferences. Information from Cookies also tells us about the website you were visiting before you came to the Site and the website you visit after you leave the Site. 

When you access these pages or open email messages, we use Pixel Tags and Web Beacons to generate a notice of that action to us, or our Vendors. These tools allow us to measure response to our communications and improve the Site’s pages. 

Device Data may be collected when your device interacts with the Site and RTI, even if you are not logged into the Site using your device. If you have questions about the security and privacy settings of your mobile device, please refer to instructions from your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your settings.


6. Security

We use commercially reasonable security procedures to protect personally identifiable information that you provide to us. While we consider these procedures to be adequate, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of storage, is completely secure. Therefore, there is still a risk that your personally identifiable information could be misappropriated and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.


7. Accessing and Correcting Personal Information

We will retain and use your Personal Information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.


8. Privacy Practices of Third Parties

This Privacy Statement only addresses the use and disclosure of information by RTI through your interaction with the Site. Other websites that may be accessible through links from the Site may have their own privacy statements and personal information collection, use, and disclosure practices. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy statements provided by these other parties prior to providing them with information.


9. Notice to Residents of Countries outside the United States of America

RTI is headquartered in the United States of America. We recognize that the European Community has established a data protection regime pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC (the “Directive”). The Directive applies to the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Switzerland has also established a data protection regime pursuant to the Federal Act on Data Protection (“FADP”). These regimes restrict companies in the EEA and Switzerland (collectively, “EEA/CH”) from transferring personal data about individuals in the EEA/CH to the United States, unless there is “adequate protection” for such personal data when it is received in the United States. To create such “adequate protection” and allow our Vendors to overcome the restriction on international data transfers established by the Directive and the FADP, we adhere to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles published by US Department of Commerce (“Safe Harbor Principles”) with respect to personal data about individuals in the EEA/CH that our subsidiaries and Business Partners in the EEA/CH send to us, (“EEA/CH Data”). More information on the Safe Harbor Principles and RTI’s scope of participation is available at

If you live outside the United States (including in the EEA/CH), and you use the Site or provide us with Personal Information directly via the Site, your information will be handled in accordance with this Privacy Statement. By using the Site or giving us your Personal Information, you are directly transferring your Personal Information and Non-Identifiable Information to us in the United States. The United States may not have the same level of data protection as your jurisdiction. However, you agree and consent to our collection, transfer, and processing of your Personal Information and Non-Identifiable Information in accordance with this Privacy Statement. You are solely responsible for compliance with any data protection or privacy obligations in your jurisdiction when you use the Site or provide us with Personal Information. Regardless of where we transfer your information, we still protect your information in the manner described in this Privacy Statement.


10. Children’s Privacy

RTI does not intend that any portion of the Site will be accessed or used by children under the age of thirteen, and such use is prohibited. The Site is designed and intended for adults. By using, you represent that you are at least eighteen years old.


11. Contact Us; California Privacy Rights and Other Countries

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices or this Privacy Statement. You can reach us via postal mail at the following address: 

RTI International 
3040 E. Cornwallis 
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 

If you reside in Canada, you may have the right to be provided with access to Personal Information that we have collected about you and written information about our policies and practices with respect to the transfer of your personal information to Vendors outside Canada. To find out more, please email us at

Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, residents of California can obtain certain information about the types of personal information that companies with whom they have an established business relationship have shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year. In particular, the law provides that companies must inform consumers about the categories of personal information that have been shared with third parties, the names and addresses of those third parties, and examples of the types of services or products marketed by those third parties. To request a copy of the information disclosure provided by RTI pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, please contact us via the email or address stated above. Please allow 30 days for a response.


12. Do Not Track

California law requires us to let you know how we respond to web browser Do Not Track (DNT) signals. Because there currently isn’t an industry or legal standard for recognizing or honoring DNT signals, we don’t respond to them at this time. We await the result of work by the privacy community and industry to determine when such a response is appropriate and what form it should take.


13. Glossary of Terms

Cookie means a small amount of information that a web server sends to your browser that stores information about your account, your preferences, and your use of the Site. Some cookies are temporary, whereas others may be configured to last longer. “Session cookies” are temporary cookies used for various reasons, such as to manage page views. Your browser usually erases session cookies once you exit your browser. “Persistent cookies” are more permanent cookies that are stored on your computers or mobile devices even beyond when you exit your browser. 

Device Data means information concerning a device you use to access, use, or interact with the Site, such as operating system type or mobile device model, browser type, domain, and other system settings, the language your system uses and the country and time zone of your device, geo-location, unique device identifier or other device identifier, mobile phone carrier identification, and device software platform and firmware information. 

Non-Identifying Information means information that alone cannot identify you, including data from Cookies, Pixel Tags and Web Beacons, and Device Data. Non-Identifying Information may be derived from Personal Information. 

Other Sources means sources of information that legally provide RTI with your information, and which are outside the scope of this Privacy Statement at the time of collection. 

Personal Information means information about you that specifically identifies you or, when combined with other information we have, can be used to identify you. This includes the following types of information:

    • Contact Information: your name, postal addresses, email addresses, social networking website user account names, telephone numbers, or other addresses at which you are able to receive communications;
    • Relationship Information: information you provide that enables us to determine lifestyle, interests, and activities, including location information related to your state/province, city, or neighborhood; and areas of interest, the types of deals that interest you, information collected through your interactions with social networks, demographic information (e.g., birth date, age, gender); and
    • Financial Information: information collected from you as needed to process payments for RTI services that you buy, or as provided by you to administer your participation in optional services and programs, such as your payment card number, expiration date, and card verification number.

Pixel Tags and Web Beacons means tiny graphic images placed on website pages or in our emails that allow us to determine whether you have performed specific actions. 

Third-Party Ad-Servers means Vendors and other third parties that provide the technology to place ads on websites and track ad performance. 

Vendors mean, collectively, third parties that perform business operations on behalf of RTI, such as transaction processing, billing, mailing, communications services (e-mail, direct mail, etc.), marketing, data processing and analytics, servicing, collections, or ad management.